Sedation Options

Pediatric dentists are specially trained to deal with the behavior of young children, children with anxiety issues, and those with mental and physical challenges. We have strong training in behavior management and child psychology. Our goal is to provide the best treatment for your child in the least invasive manner possible. There are times when due to the extent of the work or the child’s inability to cooperate we will need to use sedation dentistry.

As a pediatric dentist, Dr. Mahajan has been highly trained to safely provide a variety of sedation techniques. In addition to her two years of training in oral sedations, Dr. Mahajan voluntarily attends the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry’s comprehensive sedation course to keep up with the newest techniques. She has also received a certificate for IV sedation dentistry.

At your child’s dental appointment we will discuss the best sedation option for your child’s temperament and the treatment that is needed:

  • Oral sedation: For anxious or very young children; child remains awake during procedure
  • IV sedation: Deep sedation when an extensive amount of work is required; administered in the office by a pediatric anesthesiologist. We use Pediatric Dental Anesthesiology Associates.